Sunday, May 31, 2009

Help For Panic Attacks – A Quick and Easy Solution!

Looking for help for panic attacks? Would you like to be less anxious, and have your life totally under your control? It’s a lot easier than you may think. There are a few simple steps that can help, should you choose to follow them. Unfortunately, most sufferers of panic attacks have no idea how to go about dealing with their suffering. Follow this simple guide, and you should be able to master your emotional state, and instantly give yourself help for panic attacks and Treating Anxiety at command!

1. Warning Signals!

What are your warning signals? These are the sensations and feelings you get that tell you ‘be wary, panic attack approaching!’ The warning signals of anxiety are largely similar from person to person. They include a racing heart, stunted breathing, and an overall feeling of apprehension. It is very important to take control in these warning stages, so as to not let the oncoming attack overtake you completely.

2. Acceptance!

To give yourself good help for panic attacks, it is very important to ACCEPT the fact that you’re about to experience some form of panic, whether large or small, instead of fighting it. Resisting a panic attack will create a great deal of conflict in your mind, and you will expend a lot of energy trying to fight a raging beast, which you will inevitably lose. Have you ever in the past tried to fight off a panic attack? 9 times out of 10, or perhaps even more, the force of panic will win, and become a lot stronger in the process. Remember the saying ‘that which you resist, persists.’

3. Observe!

Observing goes hand in hand with acceptance. It is almost exactly the same thing, but for the purposes of this guide, we shall go a little more in depth. Once you’ve accepted that you’re having a panic attack, it is very beneficial to ‘observe’ what is happening to you. Be aware of the sensations in your body. Be aware of how they feel, their temperature, and their movements. Remember; do not try to fight these sensations. You thought processes should not reflect a battle, rather an observer. I cannot stress this enough–‘that which you resist, persists.’

4. Be conscious!

To give a lot of help for panic attacks, it is very important to stay conscious, and not succumb to the overwhelming sensations of anxiety, stress and worry. You’ve already been conscious on the fact that you’ve recognized warning signals, accepted what’s happening, and observed the sensations – you’re still in your right mind. After you’ve done all of these, it can be very beneficial to become conscious of your breathing, which will help you to calm down. Now is the point where you can devote all of your attention to your rate of breath. Observe your breathing in the same way you did the sensations of your panic attack. Observe how the breath feels. Feel it being drawn into you, pause, and feel yourself exhale. Take deeper breaths, concentrating all your energy upon it, and very soon you’ll notice your panic attack starting to subside.

Following these simple steps has given many people help for panic attacks in a very easy and effective way. Remember, being aware, observing and being conscious is very important, and ‘that which you resist, persists.’ Now that you are aware of these steps, it should be very easy for you to give yourself help for panic attacks in the future, allowing you to live a happy and worry-free life.

Fortunately, Treating Anxiety and ELIMINATING panic attacks is a LOT EASIER THAN YOU THINK. Most people think that because their suffering is so severe, finding a cure is either impossible or just too damn hard - this is simply not true! Out of the many cures available (some of which are absolutely terrible), by far what we consider to be the most effective is Panic Away, an eBook boasting over 27,000 cures in 2008 alone.

Panic Away is a cure that has received acclaim from the medical community, and is probably the quickest and easiest way to stop panic attacks dead in their tracks. As you think about how much better life could be when you don't have to worry about suffering any longer, allow yourself to take a look at Panic Away, or read our Panic Away Review, and make the best decision you can for your mental health and wellbeing!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Help For Panic Attacks – 3 Easy Tips!

Help for panic attacks is a very common desire – there are many of us who suffer from panic attacks, some extremely severe, daily. This can effect our day to day lives in many ways, some less obvious than others. We can suffer emotionally, through a deterioration of our romantic, friendly and work relationships, our actual motivation and work ethic itself, as well as the effects that this has on us physiologically. Here's some help for panic attacks in 3 easy tips.

The first tip is recognizing our own personal obsessive negativity. If you have a very pessimistic view of life, you will experience a negative type of 'confirmation bias' – that is, you will find what you are looking for – a negative self-fulfilling-prophecy if you will. This will create a lot of extra stress for trivial and unnecessary reasons. Of course, this stress leads to higher levels of anxiety, which effectively sets the stage for panic attacks to occur.

Another tip to provide help for panic attacks is to simply stop being such a perfectionist! If you need to constantly reevaluate your actions, rearrange things to how you think they should be, and fix things to an astronomically exact detail, then you are going to end up causing one heck of a lot more stress for yourself. In all honesty, it's going to make an insignificant amount of detail if that one object is two millimeters more to the left than it should be – not everything has to be 110% perfect every single time. Letting loose a little bit, and allowing yourself more time to relax and enjoy life should provide a lot of help for panic attacks.

The third tip is very related to the second – stop over analyzing things so much! However in this case, instead of over analyzing your own actions, it would be very rewarding to stop over analyzing the things that are happening around you. Anxiety and panic attacks are caused so very often because we pay so much attention and worry to trivial matters that are simply undeserving of it. For example, an acquaintance may mention something in passing with absolutely no malicious intent, however we will mistake this and over analyze it to the point of death, in turn coming up with thousands of different explanations for what they 'truly meant.'

Help for panic attacks is not too difficult a matter, once you know how. We can learn to be less anxious, and thus relax into and enjoy life a whole lot more. Using the three above tips can be very beneficial – it will give us greater control over our suffering, which in turn allows us to live substantially happier lives.

Thankfully, getting help for panic attacks is a LOT EASIER THAN YOU THINK. Many think that because their symptoms are so severe that a practical solution would be either a lot of hard work, or simply non existent. Thankfully, we know this is purely false! Obviously, you care about your mental health and well being, so as you think about how much easier life could be, allow yourself to take a look at the Panic Away ebook (what we think to be the best cure available), or read our Panic Away Review now!